Cullen Primes

Definition.   Cullen Primes are prime numbers that may be expressed in the form Cn = n · 2n + 1, n ≥ 1.

The original Definition and Status page was set up in early 1998 by Ray Ballinger, as part of a more general Proth Search Project devoted to the coordinated search for primes mainly of the forms k · 2n + 1 or k · 2n − 1 by using Yves Gallot's new program Proth.exe. The particular Cullen Project was later administrated by Mark Rodenkirch, who finally organized a smooth transition to PrimeGrid's Cullen Prime Search (CUL). As a nostalgic reminiscence we here reproduce the original page in its frozen state at a late concluding point in 2013.

The complete results and current status of the search are summarized in the following table. As a historical curiosity it might be mentioned that Jeff Young had completed 30000 < n ≤ 100000 already in November 1994, but refrained from communicating the four new primes because he preferred to publish them in a mathematical journal. The delay implied that in May 1997 everything was finally submitted to Chris Caldwell's Prime Pages in a quite different form.


 n Discoverer Date
1     James Cullen   1905  
    1 ≤ n ≤ 52   1905  
141     Raphael M. Robinson 1957  
    52 < n ≤ 1000   1957  
  4713     Wilfrid Keller   1984  
  5795     Wilfrid Keller   1984  
  6611     Wilfrid Keller   1984  
  18496     Wilfrid Keller   1984  
    1000 < n ≤ 20000   1984  
    20000 < n ≤ 30000   1987  
32292     Masakatu Morii 1997  
32469     Masakatu Morii 1997  
    30000 < n ≤ 45000   1997  
59656     Jeff Young 1997  
90825     Jeff Young 1997  
    45000 < n ≤ 100000   1997  
262419     Darren Smith & ProthSearch   08 Mar 1998  
361275     Darren Smith & ProthSearch 31  Jul  1998  
481899     Masakatu Morii & ProthSearch 30  Sep 1998  
1354828     Mark Rodenkirch & ProthSearch   25 Aug 2005  
    100000 < n ≤ 1500000   2007  
6328548     Dennis R. Gesker & PrimeGrid 20  Apr 2009  
   6679881     Magnus Bergman & PrimeGrid 25  Jul  2009  
    1500000 < n ≤ 10000000   Mar 2013  
    10000000 < n ≤ 24834000   May 2024